Shocking thing Raila said after was denied to access Shakahola forest, exposes shocking details!

Opposition leader Raila Odinga was on Friday 5th of May 2023 embarrassed after was blocked and denied entry into Shakahola forest.

The Azimio la Umoja one Kenya leader arrived at the scene accompanied by some Kilifi county leaders among them MP Amina Munyazi, eager to see what was happening at the valley of death.

Apparently, the Luo kingpin was disappointed after some officers told him that they had orders from above to deny him entry.

In response, Odinga questioned the officers wanting to know in whos orders they were operating on, adding that it was his constitutional rights just like any other Kenyan to Know what was happening in Shakahola forest where more that 110 bodies have since been exhumed.

“why should government deny access to Shakahola, there are people up in government who knows what happened here, there are people who have been seen in functions with senor people in this government.” Raila fumed. More

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