Ruto’s point man hackled, chased away from funeral!

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa’s address at a funeral in Bumula constituency on Saturday, April 27 was abruptly cut short.

Upon taking the podium, the lawmaker directed criticism towards a relative of the late academician Innocent Sangura.

Barasa accused the deceased’s uncle of neglecting to provide employment opportunities for locals despite his significant position and influence.

“People of Bumula, your MP had a report indicating that Education CS Ezekiel Machogu had employed people from his community, and I told him that there is no problem with Machogu doing that.

“The problem is when our people like Sangura (kin to the deceased) who have influence and means but fail to use it employ their people,” said Barasa.

The remarks sparked a moment of chaos as some attendees abandoned their seats and moved aggressively towards Barasa.

Accusing him of disrespecting those in mourning, the crowd drowned out Barasa’s speech with their heckling and uproar.

“You must not speak here. You cannot attack someone who is mourning his deceased klin,” one of the mourners declared.

Barasa appeared overwhelmed as the number of mourners advancing towards him at the podium continued to swell.

The situation escalated until the intervention of local MP Jack Wamboka, who managed to restore calm while Barasa’s security swiftly escorted him to safety. More

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